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Auction terms & conditions

Please read the following online auction terms & conditions carefully before you bid or buy with us online. 


You must be a registered user with to bid on items. By bidding, you are confirming that you are committed to the purchase of item at the amount you have bid, plus any postage charges. If you are outbid, or your bid does not meet the reserve price, you will be under no obligation to buy. On winning an auction you are entering into a contract to buy the item, and will be required to make payment within the time period specified (5 days from auction closing). Please do NOT bid if you are not able to make payment. Your bids are final and non-retractable. We will not accept bids via email or any other means that the facility provided on the website.

Starting bid

The starting bid is designed to encourage bidding. Often you will find that an item may have a reserve price.  In this case it will be clear whether bidding has met the reserve or not. 

Reserve bidding

The reserve is a price below which the item cannot be sold. Any bid submitted below the reserve price will not result in a winning bid.  Reserves may be decreased or removed at any time by the seller.

Proxy bidding

Proxy bidding is provided to allow bidders to have the option to set a maximum price that they would be willing to pay for an item and this then allows the computer system to bid for them by the bid increment until someone places a higher bid than their maximum price. 

Auction start date

An auction begins and closes on the dates specified against each item. 


Payment in full can be made using the checkout system where payment options are given as you check out. 


Returns are at the discretion of the seller and takes no part in this.  Communication should be entered into with the seller and any agreements that are made are between the seller and the buyer.